LG 38WK95C, Ducky One, Apple Magic Trackpad (it works with Linux!), Thinkpad X1E
When installing with the archinstall tool, use the following settings:
- Bootloader: Systemd-boot
- User Account: add one! make it have sudo
- Audio: Pipewire
- kernels: linux-zen
- Network configuration: Use NetworkManager
- Optional Repos: multilib
Once you are logged in as your newly created privileged user, install git:
sudo pacman -Syu git
Finally, this repo uses Paru for installing AUR packages. Follow the Paru repo for installation.
I did not automate this part. Follow https://github.com/korvahannu/arch-nvidia-drivers-installation-guide to setup 4080 (since that’s what I have), otherwise, manually get your gpu drivers working.
Everything is configured within this repo which will automatically apply changes since they are symlinks! A prompt will ask you what to do if a symlink already exists.
Run the following to install all the packages and configure them:
git clone https://github.com/20k-ultra/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
This will go into each topic and install the packages and configure them by symlinking dotfiles or running custom configure scripts. See Structure for more info.
After you run the setup you may need to run nvidia-xconfig
Each folder is a topic with several special files that will be processed differently when the apply script runs.
The apply.sh script just iterates over the topics and installs their packages via paru and then symlinks files into your $HOME directory. See Special file types for more. Additional install/configure overrides can be seen at Special execution files if the topic requires more then just symlinking!
NOTE: Files in topics that end with *.zsh are sourced in zsh/zsh.symlink. The installer will not symlink
Repo is inspired by https://github.com/holman/dotfiles approach to dotfile management by separating software into topics and defining common interfaces to installing and configuring them.